Thursday, September 30, 2010

God's Provision

Although we still need to raise more funds, I have been humbled by God's provision over the last few days. So many of my friends and family have come through with financial support and prayers. Thank you all so much!! A few days ago I received a call from Don Riepe Christ on Campus Minister when I was in college. His message was so encouraging, it made me tear up. Also, it is so nice knowing that he and so many others are praying for me. I am so thrilled to see how God is revealing Himself to my sister and many others on the trip who are seeing His hand in their fundraising. My sister has been struggling with her fundraising but recently was given $600 in 24 hours. Another team member called me yesterday to let me know that a client of hers gave her $1,000 to support the construction projects we will be doing at the baby's home. There is no recession in God's economy. Praise the Lord!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Search Me O God

This morning I read the Hymn "Search Me, O God". A few lines are things like, "Lord, take my life, and make it wholly Thine", and "Take all my will, my passion, self, and pride", and "Grant my desire to magnify Thy name". These are some very tough words to sing. I actually have never heard this hymn that I'm aware so I only read it. I did not sing it. If anyone knows the tune, let me know. Following the reading of this hymn, I read Romans chapter 8. Romans Chapter 8 is rich with truth and one of the chapters I must read over and over and piece by piece to really take it all in. This morning, I was reminded that ALL things work together for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose, and that it is IN all these things that we are more than conquerors. Did you catch that? IN all these things we are more than conquerors, not when they are over, but IN all these things.

The last week has been difficult at work, but in the grand scheme of the suffering in the world, my sufferings are miniscule. And yet, my attitude has been affected quite dramatically by these little irritations. I am very disappointed in myself, and am reminded that I am still a sinner. I know that my reactions have been selfish and usually are focused on how these minor inconveniences affect me. It is not about me! I pray today that I will be controlled by the Spirit, and that my actions will represent Christ. Lord, please search my heart and grant my desire to magnify Thy name. I must decrease and He must increase.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I've finally succumbed to the pressure and decided to begin a blog. I'm not sure where it will go, but I'm praying for direction. I decided on the title because Matthew 17:20 says" ...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there', and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

The truth is my faith is as small as a mustard seed and needs to grow. Each day has the potential for a miracle, and I've seen a few over the years. I plan to document all my faith steps and the miracles that follow right here.

I'm single and terrified of putting myself out there when it comes to love. I have so many walls up, a man would have to cross the barrier electric fence, scale the brick wall and climb over glass and barb wire to land safely on the other side. Upon landing, he would still need perform mission impossible to get through a field of laser beams intended to sound an alarm to warn me it is time to get out! I find that most men are not interested in that much effort.

Just a few nights ago, I took a big step. I turned the electric fence off, and struck up a conversation with a man I found attractive. I was successful in my endeavor, and he quickly asked for my phone number and asked me out. This is huge! I can't remember the last time I had a date. Well, within 3 hours he turned into a creeper, and I had to cut him lose. The truth is, he might not be a creeper, but I wasn't ready to take down the glass and barb wire yet. I took a step though, and I'm leaving the electric fence off. I'll be striking up conversation with future potentials from this pioint forward. Yay me.