If you have ever seen Anne of Green Gables, you are probably familiar with the term "bosom friend". Whenever I used to watch that movie (which is one of my favorites by the way), I would think "I used to have a friend like that". At the age of 10, I made a true friend named Sandra. We were inseperable. I remember summers swimming, laughing, and talking. Also, her mother ruined me for all other tamales. One night, she moved away. There was no warning, no explanation, and no goodbye. I was heart broken. I cried myself to sleep several nights in a row. My mother tried everything she could to find her but without success. Over the years, whenever I would think of her, I would try to find her on line. I prayed for her, and prayed often that I would find her.
Today, I was able to talk to my bosom friend for the first time in almost 30 years. We laughed, we cried, and we reminisced. My heart is overwhelmed. It was so humbling to learn that Sandra has been looking for me too. After we were separated, our lives went on but with a piece missing. We realized when talking today that we have come close to finding each other a few times over the years but somehow missed each other. When we spoke today, it was such a treasure to learn that not only are we bosom friends, but we are also sisters in Christ. Sandra said that it is when she finally gave up her search for me, praying, "Lord, I know you care about the the things that are dear to my heart, and I am getting nowhere so I'm giving this search to you. I'm letting go.", that I called!
Just this morning, after a particularly dry season, I had asked the Lord to show me that He is still with me and still loves me. Wow, did He come through! Today He showed Himself by answering a 30 year old prayer of two little girls whose hearts were broken. If you have been praying for something for a long time, and you are growing weary, let this story encourage you. Don't give up. Keep praying and seeking Him. He is faithful.
Who is like you, Lord God Almighty?
You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.
Psalm 89:8
But those who wait upon the Lord will rennew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
They will run and not grow weary,
They will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
All that's left to do is start checking prices on flights to Texas so that Sandra and I can catch up face-to-face.
If you have a similar story of answered prayer please share it hear to encourage us all.